MFZoom is a system extension that increases the menu and window title font size to 14pt. This is useful for big screen monitor users and those who have to squint to see the normal menu font.
Using MFZoom:
There’s no trick to it, just toss it in your extension folder and restart your mac.
MFZoom will work fine in any application and will increase the font size of ANY STANDARD menu (Including those in standard get file dialogs). It will NOT however affect applications that have their own menu definitions.
NOTE: There is one minor glitch that I have not been able to fix. The Finder loads before MFZoom gets to alter its menus and the Finder does not recalculate its menus. This can be eliminated by quitting all applications, pressing Command-Option-Esc and “resetting” the Finder. I will try to fix this in later versions.
Version history:
• This was an application program that had to be put into the Startup items folder to be used.
• MFZoom is now an INIT which is much more convenient to use.
• Since it is now an INIT, the menu font will always remain 14pt unlike version 1.0 where the font used to go back to the standard size when an application with a custom menu definition was run.
• MFZoom is now a little more considerate and should not cause a system crash/hang during printing.
MFZoom is a freeware product. You are free to use it and distribute it freely. However, MFZoom is copyrighted by S.N.R. Enterprises, the author retains the rights to it and you may not alter MFZoom in any way. Any re-distribution should include this documentation. You may not charge for distribution of this package other than normal Users Group charges and BBS online charges.
To date, I have not been able to find any Apple documentation on how to go about changing the menu bar font size. MFZoom is a hack which was a discovered while working on another project (I quit it and waddya know, my menus had 9pt font so I tracked down how it happened and MFZoom was born.) I therefore cannot guarantee that it will work on your system and if it works, it won't cause any crash or things to go weird. However, I have not recieved any complaints so far.....besides, it's a freebie. Keep the bug reports comming however and I'll continue to fix what I can.
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